Why would AG be bothered with reverse psychology?

YOURSAY | ‘Rakyat waiting to see if he will really act without fear or favour on SRC and 1MDB.’

Don't use reverse psychology on me, AG tells Mahathir

Kingfisher: It is reasonable for attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali to rebut former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad prejudging his action, or lack of action, in respect to the findings of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Some may show empathy with the AG. However, Mahathir has stated that his lack of faith in the AG is premised on the AG's action, or inaction, regarding the recommendation of Bank Negara on a similar serious matter.

Most ordinary Malaysians do not know, due to lack of transparency, the substance of the incriminating evidence - if there was such evidence - in Bank Negara's report. And the AG's decision then was not made public with legal specificities.

Hopefully, now, the AG is reiterating his personal and professional integrity in the face of criticism from a former prime minister.

The AG may find it useful and pertinent to clarify the basis and rationale of his forthcoming decision regarding the MACC reports. This should prove useful to remove any suspicion of pre-emptive motives, as suggested by Mahathir.

Res Ipsa: When Apandi was appointed as the AG to replace Abdul Gani Patail, one of the first things he did was to immediately deny the existence of the draft charge sheet on the RM42 million SRC monies channelled into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal accounts.

That charge sheet was apparently drafted by the late deputy public prosecutor Kevin Morais under instruction from Gani. The least Apandi could have done back then was to show some impartiality and verified the substance of the charge.

Instead, the denial was swift and immediate on grounds that the charge did not follow the form adopted by the AG's Chambers. Indeed, it was dismissed primarily on the form, as opposed to substance.

Fast forward to today, can anyone in their right frame of mind now expect the AG to do a turnaround and hold that the charge on the RM42 million SRC monies can be substantiated? So what reverse psychology is the AG now talking about?

This is an open-and-shut case which has been highlighted numerous times. For once, Mr AG, if only you can do your job without fear or favour as much as you preach.

Kim Quek: Apandi, if you were not appointed to protect the PM from being hunted down by the law, why did you, immediately after your appointment, disband the special task force, the good work of which in investigating the scandals resulted in the alleged charge sheet being drafted to arrest Najib?

Why did you veto Bank Negara’s decision to prosecute 1MDB for having allegedly cheated to get its approval on the US$1.83 billion purported “foreign investment”, which ended up in the hands of Jho Low and his accomplices, undisputed evidence of which have been published by The Edge publication and available on the Internet worldwide?

Apandi, please be aware that Malaysia and the world are watching you like a hawk, now that MACC’s reports on those scandals have landed on your lap. The 30 million Malaysians will not let you off unscratched should you sweep these heinous crimes under the carpet.

Mafeeah: Why would the AG be bothered with reverse psychology if he is acting according to the law? A man of conscience will never be worried about others. Why is Apandi getting worked up by an ordinary man's statement?

Justine Gow: I don't think Mahathir is stupid enough to try to do "reverse psychology" here. He was only stating what is obvious and widely known among Malaysians.

Bluemountains: Indeed, Mahathir did not use reverse psychology. He made his prediction based on Apandi's recent rejection of Bank Negara's request to press charges.

Bank Negara fined AmBank RM53.7 million for certain offences related to the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ and yet Apandi concluded that there was no wrongdoing and refused to press charges.

RCZ: It's not reverse psychology. It's public perception and the public is not often wrong.

Monies from one body found itself in the prime minister's personal bank accounts. It is CBT (criminal breach of trust), irrespective of the wonderful reasons why and how this happened. In fact, the reasons given are also acknowledgements of further crimes under the election laws.

Is the AG going to do research on the Internet, as was done in the Allah case, to determine whether a crime has been committed and the crooks are chargeable?

Aries46: Apandi, it is not Mahathir alone. Even the man on the street has come to that assumption, based on your spins ever since you took office.

On the Bank Negara investigation, even the central bank seemed to disagree with your stand as it went ahead and withdrew its approval to 1MDB and fined AmBank. Why did they do it, unless there was serious breach of banking laws?

You can be a man of law or whatever you fancy, but the general perception based on your impotence and inaction on matters of 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion probes is that you are a Najib man. Why blame others?

Anonymous 122461436161429: Billions were stolen. Institutions destroyed. Elections rigged with stolen money. The AG removed. Bank Negara silenced. PAC a hogwash. MACC stifled.

Crooks and thieves are walking around scot-free. Apandi appointed overnight as new AG. And he thinks he was appointed for his brains and his impartiality?

Mahathir is right, expect no further action from AG

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