Why Am I Still Single? applied amateur psychology to solve the puzzle of dating …

Why Am I Still Single? I cant answer that
Naomi couldn’t hold on to a relationship (Picture: Channel 4)

Why am I, am I still single? I’ve no idea why but the title of C4’s latest stab at the mating game had Bros’s When Will I Be Famous? banging around in my head.

They had an answer in common though: I can’t answer that.

In Why Am I Still Single? (C4) – there was no middle ‘am I’ sadly – someone had struck on the odd, but not altogether daft, idea of applying the Supersize v Superskinny format to trying to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. Only in this case, the two opposite sides trying to peer into a life from inside out were represented by A Single Man and A Single Woman.

Would an objective eye help to put the finger on why each was screwing up the dating game? Step forward Naomi and Lex (a bloke, the daft name was his first turn-off) who slept in each other’s beds (not together), met each other’s exes, friends and parents, and applied a little amateur psychology to solving the puzzle as to why they couldn’t hold down long-term relationships.

Maybe it was just me but I spent way too much time pondering just how long it would take me to hide everything I didn’t want found if someone poked around in my bedroom.

It clearly didn’t bother Naomi. It took Lex (really, change the name) all of two minutes to find her dildo. Which helped him put his finger on her problem – launching into sex talk within five minutes of meeting a possible partner. Which made her a great casual hook-up but a non-starter as girlfriend material.

Lex was a tougher nut to crack, though it didn’t help that he was a 33-year-old living in a teenager’s bedroom and tweeting like Justin Bieber.

They made a funny, mildly engaging non-pair, strangers trying to sort out each other’s lives, a quest that reached its climax when Lex, coming over all protective of a woman he’d never met, confronted Naomi’s on-off-on ex David, a lurking presence stopping her moving on.

Shocked the two were still having the odd legover – which technically made Naomi not single at all – Lex told David: ‘It doesn’t strike me as being healthy at all… you’ve got to man up and make the decision.’

It was like a Wild West saloon (OK, a pub) and they were both holding pool cues, making the scene mildly phallic. I swear David’s wilted a few degrees as Lex, a tiddler growing a pair, basted him. Next thing we knew, he’d bagged a girlfriend. The show was the making of him.

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