Want to reduce stress? Take shorter vacations

American workers are using less vacation than in the past, with most workers taking 14 percent less time off in the form of vacation this year than they did in 2011, according to a new Harris Interactive survey conducted for Expedia.com.

Consider taking shorter vacations throughout the year instead of a single, extended getaway

Alan Alexander
Editorial intern- Birmingham Business Journal


While a long summer vacation may seem like the best way to reduce stress, a University of Alabama at Birmingham psychologist says that might not necessarily be the case.

Robinson said research has shown that those who anticipate leaving for a vacation were happier, and that scheduling more frequent – albeit shorter – vacations maximizes happiness and relieves stress.

"Although vacations themselves rank fairly low on the list of stressors, they combine elements like travel, sleep disruption and food changes that can themselves be stressful," said Christopher Robinson, assistant professor in the UAB Department of Psychology.

Robinson said the vacation doesn't have to be anything elaborate. It can be as simple as hiring a babysitter, going out with friends that night and then taking the next day off.

"While what's relaxing varies from person to person, any time off that offers an escape from the everyday can help," Robinson said.

Robinson offered three tips to help facilitate the reduction of stress through vacations:

  • Take shorter trips through the year instead of only one long vacation.
  • Sprinkle spontaneous weekend getaways into the schedule.
  • Request a morning off after an evening out to extend the break.

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