Talk by evolutionary biology and psychology researcher David Barash presented by the university's Psychology Club, Psi Chi Honor Society and the Center for Peace Spirituality. Free admission, with a book signing to follow.
David P. Barash, Ph.D., professor of psychology and peace studies at the University of Washington, will present "Passing the Pain Along: A New Look at the Causes of Violence" at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 25 in the Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Center at Pacific University (2014 Cedar Street).
His talk is based on one of his latest books, Payback: Why We Retaliate, Redirect Aggression, and Seek Revenge.
Admission is free and a book signing will conclude the evening. Copies of Barash's latest works will be available for purchase at the event.
Dr. Barash is an accomplished author of more than 25 books in the areas of evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, and peace studies.
Several of them have applied an evolutionary approach to understanding human behavior related to altruism and helping, prejudice and discrimination, sexual behaviors, and biological differences between men and women.
Barash has also published works in the area of peace studies, including Understanding Violence, Approaches to Peace, and Beloved Enemies: Our Need for Opponents.
His most recent book, Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature discusses contemporary evolutionary approaches to understanding the female orgasm, existence of religion in most cultures, homosexuality, and why human brains larger than other comparative species.
Barash is a regular contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education, and recently wrote about the relationship between evolution and existentialism.
This event is sponsored by Pacific University’s Psychology Club/Psi Chi Honor Society and the Center for Peace Spirituality.
Posted by Joe Lang ( on Apr 3, 2013 at 4:33 PM
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