Visiting clinical hypnotherapist Azeem Dana has had a passion for the human mind since he was a child. He’s been practising hypnosis for about four years in Delhi, India. He arrived here on June 21, and each day he sees about four patients with a range of issues from depression, anxiety and different phobias. Dana has a BSc in psychology and an MSc in counselling psychology. He helps people to overcome many of their problems while in a state of hypnosis. As a psychologist and certified clinical hypnotherapist, Dana has provided help to people who need to overcome emotions and fears from their childhood or past.
Dana said modern-day pressures and expectations by parents of their children can lead to depression, and he made reference to India where the suicide rate is very high.
He was brought here by businessman Harridath Chinwasa, who visited India about two years ago. Chinwasa said he was able to overcome his fear of blood (haemophobia), which he had since boyhood, after having a ten-minute talk with Dana. “I can attest to his work,” he said. Chinwasa said he believed people at home could benefit from Dana’s expertise to eliminate some of their stresses and problems. They visited the Guardian offices on Friday.
Eliminate depression in two hours
Dana claimed it takes about two or three hours to get rid of depression with a full session. He said people can lose their lives if they don’t have access to hypnotherapy or psychology counselling. “In India, I read in the newspaper that by 2020 almost 100 per cent of people will be under depression, and we don’t have so many psychologists or counsellors to deal with these people,” said Dana. He went through the process for a regular hypnosis session. He is a certified hypnotist from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, California, US. Dana said he asks the person about main issues because “we deal with the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.” He said people explain their issues on a conscious level. “First we list all that their conscious mind is aware of and we take down their history from childhood days to the current time and focus on their emotions, and then we make them relax and get into their subconscious.”
Patients are made to lie on a bed and then find themselves in a deep slumber, Dana said. However, they are totally aware of what is happening. Dana said while the patient is in deep slumber he gives instructions and there is an exchange of conversation. “We make them experience emotions, and we ask them to go back to that moment when they experienced these emotions. “They come out feeling better about themselves,” he said. He said many times people’s emotions are connected with their childhood days.
He also conducts sessions involving age regression and inner child work.
What is hypnosis/hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is a special psychological state with certain physiological attributes, resembling sleep only superficially, and it is marked by a functioning of the individual at a level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state. Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy utilised to create unconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviours and/or feelings. A person who is hypnotised displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotised subject, most notably heightened suggestibility and responsiveness. (wikipedia)
More Info: If you’re interested in having hypnosis sessions in your community or wish to participate in a two-day training session contact [email protected] or call 758-8521 Training takes place on July 13 14 at Agricola Building, Port-of-Spain.