Wendy S. Becker, associate professor of management at Shippensburg University, and undergraduate psychology student Nicole F. Campana presented the poster “Revisiting the Historic Staff Ride for Understanding Situated Action” at the 84th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in New York.
Other university faculty recognitions include:
• Kelly M. Carrero, assistant professor of special education, was one of 20 applicants chosen to participate in the beginning career workshop at the annual Council for Exceptional Children conference in San Antonio. The workshop featured leading researchers in the field of special education, who served as panelists and advisers to promising new tenure-track special-education faculty. Topics included securing external funding, publishing and managing ambitious research agendas.
• Robert L. Hale, professor of psychology, supervised students who were involved in presentations at the 84th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in New York. Steven Yurkonis, with co-author Michael Smith, presented “Performance on Two Types of the Wason by Manipulative Personality Types,” and Stephanie Sema, with co-author James Evans, presented “An Evolutionary Approach to Shunning Behavior.” In addition to co-authoring the studies, Hale also served as a judge of Psi Chi student presentations during a poster competition.
• Annie Papero and Konnie Serr, assistant professors of teacher education, had their grant, “Building Across the Curriculum: An Exploration of the Cross-Curricular Uses that Emerge when Kindergarten through 5th Grade Classroom Communities are Provided with an Open-Ended set of Unit Blocks,” funded by the International Association of Laboratory and University Schools through its Mini-Grant for Research program. The money will be used to purchase a full set of unit blocks for each classroom at Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School.
• Jennifer Yongmei Pomeroy, adjunct professor of geography-earth science and faculty academic adviser in the Office of Undeclared Students, had her paper, “Analyzing Municipal Annexations: Case Studies in Frederick and Caroline Counties of Maryland, 1990-2010,” selected for the final round of J. Warren Nystrom Award competition. The award, established by the Association of American Geographers and named for former AAG executive director J. Warren Nystrom, recognizes outstanding recent dissertations in geography. As part of the competition, her paper will be presented this month at the annual AAG meeting in Los Angeles.
• Freddy Siahaan, assistant professor of economics, co-authored a paper with Noret Flood, economics major and honors program student, titled “Supply and Effect of Aid: Advancing Donors Agenda or Assisting Recipients?” Flood presented the paper at the 20th annual Issues in Political Economy — Undergraduate Student Research in Economics in Boston.
• Praveen Veerabhadrappa, assistant professor of exercise science, co-authored the manuscript “Endothelial Activation Microparticles and Inflammation Status Improve with Exercise Training in African Americans,” which was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hypertension.