Lindsay Erickson.
(December 4, 2013)
Colleges and Universities
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12:10 p.m. EST, December 9, 2013
Lindsay Erickson of Kensington was one of 19 American International College students inducted into the local chapter of Psi Chi, the psychology honor society. Family, friends and faculty gathered in the Bradley Room for the event, which was held on Wednesday, Dec. 4.
Psi Chi was founded in 1929 to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship, and advance the science of psychology. Membership is awarded to graduate and undergraduate students who major in or minor in psychology and meet the requirements.
Thomas Barron, director of the MBA program at AIC, was the keynote speaker. Barron told the students there are a lot of career options for psychology majors, especially in the business world. "We need people with critical thinking skills, strong communications skills, and most importantly, listening skills. These are all the things you have learned in the psychology program," he said.
"The bottom line is that psychology majors know how to work with people. You know what makes people tick, and that's one of the most important skills needed to be successful in the business world," he said.
Barron said, "The business world has been very successful in developing methodologies to implement change, but the one thing that we have always struggled with, and the reason most change initiatives fail, relates to the people side of the equation, and ultimately that's where your skills set comes in."
Psi Chi is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS). There are more than 930 chapters of Psi Chi at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Copyright © 2013, The Hartford Courant
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