Psychology presentation coming to University of Rio Grande on Thursday

The Herald-Dispatch


RIO GRANDE, Ohio — Ever wonder what Fido is thinking amidst that epic battle of tug-o-war? What about that dolphin you saw on vacation — was it as fascinated by you, as you were it? And do elephants really battle stress similar to humans?


You can get your answers at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6, when the University of Rio Grande Psychology Club hosts “Psychology — It’s Not Just For Therapists Anymore!: Comparing Animals to Humans Across Psychology” in room 118 of Bob Evans Farm Hall.


The two-hour presentation by Melissa Shyan-Norwalt, Ph.D., free and open to the public, includes a question-and-answer session. Shyan-Norwalt, one of 60 certified Applied Animal Behaviorists by the Animal Behavior Society, joined the Psychology Department at Rio Grande as an associate professor this fall, according to a release from the university.


“This is a very popular topic with the general public,” Shyan-Norwalt said in the release. “I’ll be telling some funny stories about the human-animal bond. Anyone who has ever owned a pet can relate.”


Shyan-Norwalt’s 22 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals include the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Zoo Biology, Animal Learning and Behavior, Lab Animal, Psychological Science and the Journal of Experimental Psychology. She has presented for the Animal Behavior Society, Psychonomics Society, International Society for Anthrozoology and the Interdisciplinary Forum on Applied Animal Behavior.


“Dr. Shyan-Norwalt has a wealth of experience about animal behavior from the variety of positions she’s held throughout her many years in the field,” said Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., co-owner of Animal Behavior Associates in Denver. “There’s no doubt audiences will gain new insights into the amazing world of ethology from any of Melissa’s presentations.”


At Rio Grande, Shyan-Norwalt teaches Learning Theory, Experimental Psychology, Research Methodology, Cognition, Introduction to Psychology and Honors Seminars. Her vast research areas include: the human-animal bond; dog aggression; cat behavior; animal enrichment; elephant social behavior, memory and vision; monkey cognition; dolphin cognition; and captive dolphin environmental preferences.


For more information about the University of Rio Grande, visit or call 800-282-7201.


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