Our busy lifestyles are taking a toll when we get behind the wheel of our car.
With the radio on, the cell phone ringing, and using your second hand to sip on your coffee, it could be quite distracting while driving.
"People now-a-days have so many commitments they have to make, so many places they have to go. They have people to pick up, meetings to be at. All of that in itself can cause a major distraction," says Sgt. Larry Hauge, Minot Police Department.
All of that multi tasking and daydreaming could impact the way you handle your car.
"People are constantly in a rush. They're stressed about having to get to work on time," says Minot Resident, Kelly Kruse.
And Minot Police would agree.
"We have a lot of problems with people who run stop lights, running stop signs. Sometimes we have the slow and go at the stop signs. This is where they slow down and maybe make an attempt to stop, but they don't," says Hauge.
So, we decided to hit the streets to talk to some Minot drivers to find out what they notice behind the wheel.
"It's crazy to see how many people go through red lights and run yellow lights. It's kind of scary to see pedestrians go through," says Minot Resident, Sydney Hiatt.
"The worst thing I've seen is people speeding up to just get in front of you and then brake," says Kruse.
Most people admitted to being distracted on the roadways, but Hauge said its much more than that.
"They could have both hands on the wheel and still be distracted simply from day dreaming about something else," says Hauge.
But as much as we hate to admit it, distractions can happen to the best of us.
"Everybody does it. You can't avoid it. Everybody does it," says Hiatt.
What's important to remember is to stay focused on what you are doing in the present moment.
Hauge also says many drivers are turning into the wrong lanes.