We have everything from social media to consumerism in this week’s Psychology Around the Net.
Facebook “Likes” and Twitter Followers Predict Personality Traits and More: Recent research has used social media traits such as Facebook likes and Twitter followers of friends, products, and photos to identify or predict substance abuse, relationship statuses, and even sexual preference.
Should a Mental Illness Mean You Lose Your Kid? In 2012, a presidential commission report found that “parents with psychiatric disabilities experience the most significant discrimination when they attempt to exercise their fundamental right to create and maintain families.” One woman’s story exemplifies just that.
Could Ignorance of Illness Be Better for Mental Health? One study takes a look at how people rate their health when they do know — compared to when they don’t know — they have a health condition.
Identify One Thing You’re Grateful for Every Time You Buy Something: Northeastern University research notes that identifying one thing you’re grateful for can help you exert self-control the next time you’re considering a purchase.
How to Create a Happy Future by Accepting the Present: By working in the present moment, you can make what you truly want for your future come to fruition.
This Is Why You Stay Awake All Night When You Know You Need To Sleep: Chances are you know about insomnia, but do you know about “bedtime procrastination”? Researchers are starting to take note of this phenomenon, defining it as “failing to go to bed at the intended time, while no external circumstances prevent a person from doing so.”
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Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 20 Jun 2014
Published on PsychCentral.com. All rights reserved.
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