President Barak Obama has psychological problems, is damaged and destructive, and is overwhelmed when faced with mental and emotional challenges, such as the Syria crisis and the Romney debates, according to Dr. Paul Fick, a prominent clinical and forensic psychologist.
“When faced with the mental and emotional upheaval inherent in a crisis, Obama is overwhelmed because of his psychological disorders. In the Syrian crisis, we see Obama uses projection, which is a defense mechanism he uses because of his paranoid tendencies. He does this by blaming an Internet video instead of the terrorists,” explained Dr. Fick.
According to his book The Destructive President, Obama’s problems were caused by his troubled childhood and teen years, and they have never been resolved, and Obama now displays narcissistic features, paranoid tendencies and oppositionalism. Obama is filled with anger for America, even though he states that he loves America, according to Dr. Fick.
“Obama’s emotional deficiencies limit his cognitive clarity and judgment when faced with an international crisis, or even a debate. It is times like these that America needs a president who is emotionally healthy and not psychologically damaged,” said Dr. Fick.
The Destructive President provides an explanation of Obama’s psychology, and why he is devastating America. Dr. Fick explains why Obama is filled with hate, why his thinking is distorted by victim logic, and why he is directing his rage at traditional institutions.
Details and a sample from the book are available at