Pre-wedding jitters are a warning sign: Study

To marry or not to marry? Science has the answer.

Pre-wedding jitters are not harmless but are a warning sign of impending marital strife and eventual divorce, according to a study out of UCLA.

"You know yourself, your partner and your relationship better than anybody else does; if you're feeling nervous about it, pay attention to that," lead author Justin Lavner said.

He and his fellow psychologists talked to 464 newlyweds (232 couples) in the first few months of marriage and then every six months for four years.

In early surveys, women were less likely to express pre-wedding doubts (38% vs. 47% of men) but proved to be better arbiters of trouble ahead.

Among women, 19% of those with misgivings were divorced within four years -- double the number of those who didn't report having doubts. Among men, 14% of nervous newlyweds were divorced, compared to 9% of husbands who hadn't experienced cold feet.

When neither the bride nor the groom had doubts about getting married -- 36% of couples in the study -- just 6% ended up divorced.

In couples where both had doubts, one-fifth split up.

The researchers accounted for other factors like whether subjects' parents were divorced and whether the couple lived together first.

"Do not assume your doubts will just go away or that love is enough to overpower your concerns," Lavner said. "There's no evidence that problems in a marriage just go away and get better. If anything, problems are more likely to escalate."

The findings appear in the online version of the Journal of Family Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association.

Friday, September 14, 2012


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