La metafora di Peter Pan nelle anatomie della mente

Posted in IT
Giovedì 11 febbraio alle ore 16.30 nella cornice della Sala Agnelli e del Teatro Anatomico della Biblioteca Ariostea (via Scienze, 17), si terrà il terzo appuntamento del ciclo di Anatomie della Mente, le conferenze dei Giovedì di Psicologia a cura di Stefano Caracciolo, Ordinario di Psicologia Clinica dell’Università di Ferrara, giunto quest’anno all’ottava edizione e con accesso libero e gratuito per tutta la città. “Peter Pan: il ragazzo che non è mai cresciuto”. E’ questo il titolo della conferenza che sarà tenuta da Stefano Caracciolo, che esporrà uno studio psicobiografico >>>

Anger, contempt and disgust fuel hostility, new research shows

Posted in EN
Individuals experiencing anger, contempt and disgust are more likely to act and behave in a hostile manner toward those they disagree with, new research from San Francisco State University shows. Past research had demonstrated an association between these emotions, collectively known in psychology as ANCODI, and hostility, but the new study published today in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology is the first to prove the connection. The findings have important implications for a variety of fields, including politics and law enforcement. "Once we are able to identify the specific emotional mix >>>

Mindern Belohnungen langfristigen Lernerfolg?

Posted in DE
Eine materielle Belohnung für die Leistungen in einem Test kann den langfristigen Wissenserwerb beeinträchtigen. Das schließen Psychologen der Universität Regensburg aus einer aktuellen Studie. Es ist wieder einmal Zeugniszeit. Und viele Eltern stehen vor der Frage, ob es Sinn hat, gute Schulnoten mit Geld zu belohnen. Eine Klärung des Sinns bzw. Unsinns solcher Maßnahmen wird es so schnell wohl nicht geben. Psychologen der Universität Regensburg untersuchten in einer aktuellen Studie aber, welche Auswirkungen eine direkte monetäre >>>

Pebble’s reverse psychology: Let ams lure pros

Posted in EN
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. – The Crosby. The Clambake. The ATT, or perhaps just simply, “Pebble.” Call it what you want, this week’s PGA Tour stop has a rich history. It boasts some of the best views in golf and invites players to tee it up along the game’s most storied patch of coastline – outside of Scotland, anyway. But in recent years, the ATT Pebble Beach Pro-Am has been dogged by other perceptions: namely a stale list of amateur participants, many of whom hacked their way across this little strip of paradise. It meant six-plus-hour rounds for the pros, surrounded by fans who often came >>>

Billige Kritik an der WHO

Posted in DE
Eigentlich müssten wir alle längst immun sein – zumindest mental, angesichts der Zahl von Erregern, die uns in den letzten Jahren das Fürchten lehrten. Sars, Vogelgrippe, Schweinegrippe, Ebola, Mers und jetzt Zika geben sich sozusagen die Klinke in die Hand. So unterschiedlich die Bewältigung der Krisen jeweils war, eine Konstante ist den meisten gemeinsam: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation ist am Ende der Prügelknabe. Auch im aktuellen Fall des Zika-Virus. Seit die WHO Anfang Februar eine «Notlage der öffentlichen Gesundheit von internationaler Tragweite» (Epic) ausgerufen >>>

Les enfants bilingues ont une meilleure flexibilité cognitive générale

Posted in FR
La flexibilité cognitive était évaluée par deux tâches associant des consignes conflictuelles qui mesurent la capacité à inhiber une consigne déjà apprise. Dans l'une des tâches, par exemple, on demandait aux enfants de mettre une série de petits blocs dans un petit panier, et de gros blocs dans un gros panier. Puis, on inversait les consignes. Les exigences de ces tâches s’apparentent au phénomène d’alternance entre deux langues ou au recours à une langue seconde, même si le mot dans la langue maternelle peut être plus facilement accessible. Alors que les >>>

9 sneaky psychology tricks companies use to get you to buy stuff

Posted in EN
Matt Cardy / Getty ImagesFrom Facebook ads to TV commercials, you're constantly being bombarded by people trying to sell you stuff. And marketers may not be scientists, but they've mastered the art of using your psychology against you. By exploiting your vulnerability to different style of propaganda, companies can trick you into buying more stuff and paying more for it. We've scoured the research on some of the strategies marketers use to lure in consumers, so you can catch them in their own game: >>>

BPS welcomes the 2016 Children’s Mental Health Week

Posted in EN
The British Psychological Society welcomes Children’s Mental Health Week (8 to 15 February) and the opportunities it provides to highlight the importance of prevention of and early intervention with children experiencing psychological difficulties. The theme of Children's Mental Health Week is 'building resilience' and teaching children to 'bounce forward' from life's challenges. The campaign, launched by children’s charity Place2Be, coincides with the publication of their survey of head teachers that found two thirds of all primary schools in England do not have a counsellor in their >>>

Συνάντηση οικονομικού επιτελείου με τράπεζες για τα «κόκκινα» δάνεια

Posted in GR
Το φλέγον ζήτημα των μη εξυπηρετούμενων δανείων βρέθηκε στο επίκεντρο της συνάντησης του Αντιπροέδρου της Κυβέρνησης Γιάννη Δραγασάκη, του Υπουργού Οικονομίας Γιώργου Σταθάκη και του Υπουργό Οικονομικών Ευκλείδη Τσακαλώτου με το προεδρείου της Ελληνικής Ένωσης Τραπεζών και των διοικήσεων των εγχώριων τραπεζών. Η κυβέρνηση >>>