Donald Trump schools us on the psychology of insults

Posted in EN
Donald Trump is still among the leaders for the Republican nomination for president, raising a question about how a person could be so liked when his primary method of communication appears to be insulting people.Denigrating people seems like the last way to get popular, but when you know the social psychology of insults, it becomes easier to explain the Trump phenomenon.Research shows that one of the primary reasons to denigrate people is to signal membership in a group: They are out, so you are in. People are always looking to belong, and Trump may represent, for some people, a particularly >>>

Semestereröffnung der Volkshochschule: Holger Schlageter spricht zum Thema …

Posted in DE
Von Christina OxfortWIESBADEN - Semestereröffnung der Volkshochschule Wiesbaden (VHS) im Rathaus – das steht für riesiges Besucherinteresse, einen komplett besetzten Stadtverordnetensitzungssaal und eine übervolle Zuschauerempore. So auch beim Vortrag des Psychologie-Experten und Sachbuchautors Holger Schlageter. Die Gäste wollten Antworten auf die Frage „Immer mehr! – Wie weit können wir gehen?“, interessierten sich für das Setzen, die Verschiebung und die Überschreitung von (Leistungs-) Grenzen und die Frage, wie es gelingen kann, durch ein realistisches Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstbild >>>

Psychology club hosts mental health first aid training by branch of Philhaven

Posted in EN
The Psychology Club hosted an 8-hour Mental Health First Aid Training Seminar in the Susquehanna Room in Myer Residence Hall Sunday, January 30. The training session was conducted by certified mental healthcare educators from a local branch of Philhaven, a non-profit behavioral healthcare organization. Philhaven serves clients in south central Pennsylvania, with offices in Mt. Gretna, Lancaster, Elizabethtown and various other locations. The Philhaven Mental Health First Aid Training Seminar can prepare people with little to no mental health clinical training to identify and respond >>>

Κατέληξε ο 27χρονος Ιταλός ηθοποιός που κρεμάστηκε πάνω στη …

Posted in GR
Κυριότερες Ειδήσεις Παραμένουν ανοιχτά τα μεγάλα θέματα της διαπραγμάτευσηςΚατρούγκαλος: «Οι προτάσεις μας για το ασφαλιστικό συνάδουν με τις αξίες της Αριστεράς»«Καμπανάκι» Λαγκάρντ προς Αθήνα και εταίρους για ασφαλιστικό και χρέοςΗ διευθύντρια του Διεθνούς Νομισματικού Ταμείου τόνισε ότι υπάρχει άμεση σύνδεση ανάμεσα >>>

Συστάσεις ΠΟΥ για απαγόρευση αιμοληψιών από φορείς του Ζίκα

Posted in GR
Συστάσεις για απαγόρευση των αιμοληψιών από φορείς του ιού Ζίκα διατύπωσε την Πέμπτη ο Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Υγείας (ΠΟΥ). Ο ΠΟΥ είχε χαρακτηρίσει «απειλή για τη δημόσια υγεία παγκοσμίως» τον ιό Ζίκα αυτή την εβδομάδα, επικαλούμενος τις «έντονες υποψίες» περί σχέσης αιτίου - αιτιατού ανάμεσα στις μολύνσεις εγκύων γυναικών και >>>

Πόσο στοιχίζει στην ελληνική οικονομία η προσφυγική κρίση. Η …

Posted in GR
Το πόσο πραγματικά άδικη είναι η κριτική που υφίσταται η Ελλάδα για τον τρόπο «διαχείρισης» της προσφυγικής κρίσης - που συνοδεύεται και από απειλές για αποπομπή από τη Ζώνη Σένγκεν-φαίνεται να αποδεικνύουν τα ίδια τα μεγέθη της και τα στοιχεία για το βάρος που επιφέρει στην ελληνική οικονομία και το >>>

Mobbing o non mobbing?

Posted in IT
Mobbing, è un saggio chiaro e sintetico della psicologa Dina Guglielmi che prende in esame le situazioni lavorative molto critiche, in cui le persone provano delle grandi sofferenze psicologiche (il Mulino, 2015, 135 pagine, euro 11). Il termine mobbing può essere usato “per denunciare condizioni terribili e disumane” o “per segnalare un comportamento improprio” ma non classificabile come mobbing. In altri casi alcune persone cercano di ottenere delle condizioni vantaggiose da una situazione negativa transitoria. L’ambiente di lavoro >>>

Unioni Civili: pediatri, su adozioni considerare la psicologia dei …

Posted in IT
"Non si può escludere che convivere con due genitori dello stesso sesso abbia ricadute negative sui processi di sviluppo psichico e relazionale nell'età evolutiva".Non è dello stesso avviso Claudio Mencacci, il presidente della Società italiana di psichiatria secondo il quale "ciò che conta è la capacità affettiva dei genitori". Mentre sarebbe stato opportuno che la discussione comprendesse "anche profili clinici e psicologici del bambino". Ed ancora il Presidente dei pediatri italiani aggiunge che la maturazione psicologica di un bambino si svolge lungo un percorso correlato con la qualità >>>

The science behind why so many women want to befriend gay men

Posted in EN
Eric Russell, University of Texas Arlington For years, friendships between straight women and gay men have been a subject of pop culture fascination. Books, television shows and feature length films have all highlighted this unique relationship, noted for its closeness and depth. But with society's attitudes toward gays and lesbians changing, it's become all the more important to build a holistic understanding of the relationships between gay and straight people. As a researcher in social psychology, I've often wondered: why do straight female-gay male relationships work so well? Why are straight >>>

Psicologia e nuove tecnologie agli open day della Sigmund Freud …

Posted in IT
Milano, 04/02/2016 - 19:15 ( - comunicati stampa - salute e benessere) Nelle giornate di giovedì 11 e 25 febbraio 2016, dalle ore 9, tutti possono diventare studenti del corso di Laurea Triennale della Sigmund Freud University: in via del tutto eccezionale e gratuitamente, infatti, l’università privata di psicologia che conferisce una laurea riconosciuta in Italia organizza due open day presso la sua sede milanese in Ripa di Porta Ticinese 77 per presentare la sua ricca offerta formativa e didattica, consentendo a tutti >>>