Ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα με 4 ευρώ την ώρα

Posted in GR
Οσο ένα πακέτο τσιγάρα! Τόσο έχει φτάσει να «κοστίζει» ένα ιδιαίτερο μάθημα κατ’ οίκον, καθώς το «χρηματιστήριο» των φροντιστηριακών μαθημάτων τα τελευταία έτη έχει υποστεί καθίζηση, λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης και της υπερπροσφοράς από χιλιάδες νέους πτυχιούχους που ψάχνουν για... χαρτζιλίκι. «Τα χρόνια της οικονομικής ευμάρειας, >>>

Προσφυγή κατά Μπεκενμπάουερ και FIFA

Posted in GR
Η Γερμανική Ομοσπονδία Ποδοσφαίρου (DFB) προσέφυγε εναντίον των κορυφαίων στελεχών της οργανωτικής επιτροπής του Μουντιάλ 2006. Μεταξύ άλλων εναντίον του θρυλικού «Κάιζερ» του γερμανικού ποδοσφαίρου Φραντς Μπεκενμπάουερ, των πρώην προέδρων της DFB, Τέο Τσβάντσιγκερ και Βόλφγκανγκ Νίρσμπαχ, αλλά και κατά της Παγκόσμιας Ομοσπονδίας >>>

Τζόελ Μίλμαν: Μια «ένεση» που θα σώσει την Ευρώπη

Posted in GR
Μια διαφορετική διάσταση της ροής προσφύγων και οικονομικών μεταναστών προς την Ευρώπη, αυτή των λύσεων που προσφέρει μακροπρόθεσμα και όχι των προβλημάτων που δημιουργεί βραχυπρόθεσμα, καταθέτει μιλώντας στην «Κ» ο εκπρόσωπος του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού Μετανάστευσης (ΙΟΜ), Τζόελ Μίλμαν. Επισημαίνει χαρακτηριστικά ότι μέσα στα >>>

Student spotlight: Aiden Kreuser

Posted in EN
Krueser(Photo: Photo courtesy of UW-Fox Valley)Name: Aiden KreuserAge: 21Hometown: Green BayCurrent program: PsychologyWhy did you choose UWFox? Being relatively inexpensive and close to home, UWFox was the best option to begin my college career. In addition, I had heard good things about professors at the school from previous students.Outside of being a college student, what takes up your free time? Aside from working at the campus bookstore, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing board games, testing my psychology skills, hiking, reading, writing poetry, drawing, watching my favorite >>>

Student spotlight: Aiden Kreuser

Posted in EN
Krueser(Photo: Photo courtesy of UW-Fox Valley)Name: Aiden KreuserAge: 21Hometown: Green BayCurrent program: PsychologyWhy did you choose UWFox? Being relatively inexpensive and close to home, UWFox was the best option to begin my college career. In addition, I had heard good things about professors at the school from previous students.Outside of being a college student, what takes up your free time? Aside from working at the campus bookstore, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing board games, testing my psychology skills, hiking, reading, writing poetry, drawing, watching my favorite >>>

Bilingual children better at problem solving according to new study

Posted in EN
A Canadian study has found a new benefit to being bilingual, with children who speak two languages better at problem solving than monolingual children. Published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, the research looked at vocabularies of 39 bilingual children and 43 monolingual children at the age of 24 months and then again at 31 months. During the second assessment, the team tested the toddlers' cognitive flexibility and memory skills and found that "For the most part, there was no difference between the bilingual and monolingual toddlers," said Diane Poulin-Dubois, one of >>>

Library lecture series focuses on the psychology of dieting

Posted in EN
Are you frustrated with the continuing cycle of losing and gaining weight? Do you want to improve your health and happiness?The Grace A. Dow Memorial Library invites you to join us for a free lecture series entitled, “Redefining Beauty,” presented jointly with Partners in Change: Psychological and Community Services, PLC. According to survey results recently released by the Midland Community Health and Human Services Council, 33 percent of the population is overweight and another 36 percent is >>>

Studenten fout voorgelicht over arbeidskansen

Posted in NL
Onderwijsinstellingen geven studenten verkeerde voorlichting over het baanperspectief na een opleiding. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van televisieprogramma De Monitor (KRO-NCRV). Vooral bij de opleidingen Psychologie en Orthopedagogie worden meer studenten opgeleid dan dat er plaatsen zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. Om toch aan de bak te komen, moeten afgestudeerden onbetaalde werkervaringsplekken aangrijpen of werken onder niveau, in de hoop om een baan op niveau te kunnen krijgen. Studiebijsluiter Sinds 2014 moeten onderwijsinstellingen verplicht betrouwbare informatie >>>