Κλειστές θύρες, ανοικτές πληγές

Posted in GR
Ενα ακόμη σκηνικό στο «θέατρο του παραλόγου» ξετυλίγεται από χθες στον χώρο του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου, με αφορμή την αιφνιδιαστική απόφαση του Ατρομήτου να μην παραχωρήσει στον Παναθηναϊκό τα 900 εισιτήρια που είχε συμφωνηθεί (και με την άδεια της αστυνομίας) να διαθέσει στους οπαδούς του για την αποψινή (19.30) ρεβάνς του 0-0 της Λεωφόρου >>>

Η Κομισιόν βλέπει θετικά την πρόταση Γερμανίας – Τουρκίας

Posted in GR
ΒΡΥΞΕΛΛΕΣ - ΑΝΤΑΠΟΚΡΙΣΗ. Νομίζω πως πρέπει να λάβουμε σοβαρά υπόψη το αίτημα της Τουρκίας και άλλων συμμάχων και να εξετάσουμε τι μπορεί να κάνει το ΝΑΤΟ για να βοηθήσει» δήλωσε χθες σε συνέντευξη Τύπου ο επικεφαλής του Γενς Στόλτενμπεργκ, εν όψει της σημερινής υπουργικής συνόδου. Ο κ. Στόλτενμπεργκ επιβεβαίωσε ότι επικοινώνησε >>>

Robert Morris University Illinois and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Sign Memorandum of …

Posted in EN
Robert Morris University Illinois and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology have created a new option for students looking to complete a doctoral program in business psychology. Chicago, IL (PRWEB) February 10, 2016 Robert Morris University Illinois (RMU) and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) have created a partnership through the establishment of an advanced graduate level program for students pursuing a doctoral degree in business psychology. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is a nonprofit university, >>>

UVA Researchers Get Work Published About Psychology of Sports Rivalries

Posted in EN
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (NEWSPLEX) -- All college teams have rivals. When it comes to UVA, many will say their biggest rival is Virginia Tech. "We play Virginia Tech at least twice a year in Basketball," said Eddie Dunoyer, a second-year UVA student, "and it's a big time rivalry game. We love beating them." Students lined up almost two hours ahead of tip-off for the Hoos and Hokies basketball game on Tuesday night. Fans waiting >>>

Atención psicológica a migrantes, una necesidad poco atendida

Posted in ES
La atención psicológica a migrantes es una necesidad poco atendida, asegura Bernadette Eguía, egresada de la licenciatura en Psicología del ITESO, ya que los albergues y organizaciones que apoyan a este sector se abocan a satisfacer necesidades como la alimentación y el vestido. Fue mediante el proyecto de aplicación profesional de la institución que la entonces estudiante pudo colaborar con la Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera en Nogales. Ahí, comentó que atendió a personas recién deportadas o en tránsito, las cuales en su gran mayoría, vivían crisis, algunas derivadas de la incertidumbre >>>

Une télévision diversifiée contribue à combattre le racisme

Posted in FR
Les séries télé dotées d’une distribution multiculturelle contribuent à enrayer le racisme, démontre une nouvelle étude, qui donne encore plus de poids au discours des critiques qui déplorent le manque de diversité au petit écran québécois. D’après un rapport présenté devant la Society for Personality and Social Psychology, un groupe important de psychologues spécialisés en psychologie sociale, les personnes exposées aux séries mettant en vedette des minorités visibles démontreraient beaucoup plus de tolérance envers ces dernières. >>>

Sanità, cambia la formazione nel Canavese. La psicologia aiuta a …

Posted in IT
IVREA. I primi trecento completeranno la formazione entro l’anno. Il progetto è cominciato a settembre e riguarda tutti gli operatori dell’area medica di tutti gli ospedali dell’Asl/To4 ovvero medicina generale, geriatria e lungodegenza. Poi l’iniziativa - che coinvolge quindi medici, infermieri e operatori sociosanitari - sarà ampliata alle chirurgie. Per una volta si parla di sanità, all’Asl/To4, ma non sotto il profilo dell’organizzazione dei servizi o di numeri delle attività e costi relativi, ma di una formazione legata >>>

Sanità, cambia la formazione La psicologia aiuta a guarire

Posted in IT
IVREA. I primi trecento completeranno la formazione entro l’anno. Il progetto è cominciato a settembre e riguarda tutti gli operatori dell’area medica di tutti gli ospedali dell’Asl/To4 ovvero medicina generale, geriatria e lungodegenza. Poi l’iniziativa - che coinvolge quindi medici, infermieri e operatori sociosanitari - sarà ampliata alle chirurgie. Per una volta si parla di sanità, all’Asl/To4, ma non sotto il profilo dell’organizzazione dei servizi o di numeri delle attività e costi relativi, ma di una formazione legata >>>

CSUF researchers study the use of makeup by women

Posted in EN
Does a face full of makeup suggest a woman will be perceived as beautiful? Does a woman perceived as beautiful have a higher probability of being offered a job or a promotion? Does makeup affect whether a woman is perceived as a better leader? Are women who do not wear makeup putting themselves at a disadvantage? Cal State Fullerton Associate Professor of Psychology Jessie Peissig is working to answer these questions and more. “Women spend a great deal of time and money on makeup,” she said. “If you pick up nearly any women’s magazine, there will be at least one article >>>

Why Fixing Racial Biases Starts With Babies

Posted in EN
What if instead of fighting racial bias as adults, we worked to prevent it from ever happening in the first place, with kids? "These programs that occur later in development are good at interventions, kind of helping something that already exists. If we did it earlier, it'd be more of a prevention effort, stopping it from developing in the first place."That's professor and researcher Eva Telzer. Her work on developmental psychology has been cited by media outlets all over the country. So we visited the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to speak with her about two of her studies. Telzer's >>>