Openings For Graduate Students in the Affective & Translational Neuroscience …

Candidates are being considered for graduate student positions in the laboratory of Dr. Alex Shackman in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland at College Park.

LAB MISSION: The overarching mission of the lab is to have a deep impact on the fields of affective and translational neuroscience. To that end, we do our very best to perform innovative studies that can lead to important discoveries, to disseminate our discoveries as widely as possible, and to mentor trainees to become top-notch scientists. The laboratory is particularly focused on characterizing the mechanisms by which anxiety alters the processing of threats and punishments in a way that enhances the likelihood of maladaptive avoidance and behavioral inhibition. Clinically, this work promises to enhance our understanding of how emotional traits and states modulate risk, facilitate the discovery of novel endophenotypes and biomarkers, and set the stage for developing improved interventions. From a basic psychological science perspective, our research begins to address fundamental questions about the interplay of emotion and cognition and the nature of personality.

OPPORTUNITIES: Within this broad domain, graduate students will have the freedom to spearhead their own studies (basic, translational, or clinical) while devoting substantial effort to supporting projects initiated by the lab. Graduate students will be expected to devote a portion of their efforts to applying for extramural funding--this will benefit both the lab and your career. Available techniques include fMRI (event-related and resting-state), DTI/VBM, ERPs/ERSPs, peripheral psychophysiology (e.g., facial EMG), and behavioral assays. Brain imaging is conducted at the nearby Maryland Neuroimaging Center (MNC), which is directed by Dr. Luiz Pessoa and houses a research-dedicated 3T TIM Trio Siemens scanner and a complete complement of peripheral apparatus as well as a concurrent EEG/fMRI system. Graduate students will also have access to a state-of-the art EEG/psychophysiology laboratory housed within the Department. There are opportunities for working with a broad range of populations, including children, adolescents, undergraduates, community samples, and patients. The position will include support for research (funding and access to research assistants, computational infrastructure, etc.), advanced methods workshops, and professional travel as well as the opportunity to work with other trainees and faculty affiliated with the MNC, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS) Program, Department of Human Development, the NIMH, and elsewhere. This is an excellent opportunity for receiving top-notch mentorship in affective/translational neuroscience. My aim is to that all of my trainees are happy and develop the broad spectrum of skills necessary to secure positions at top-tier universities in a timely manner.

CRITERIA AND EXPECTATIONS: Applicants should have a Bachelors degree and substantial expertise in cognitive, affective, or translational neuroscience. Candidates with expertise in electrical engineering, computer science, statistics, economics, or related fields are also strongly encouraged to apply. Relevant post-baccalaureate experience is highly desirable. It is mandatory that candidates have a strong background in either brain imaging data analysis (fMRI or PET) -OR- a programming-intensive field. Applicants must show evidence that the relevant degree will be completed before the start of the position. A strong track record of prior publications is desirable, but not necessary. Basic proficiency with Unix/Linux is mandatory; familiarity with scripting languages (e.g., Java, Python), Matlab, Eprime, or neuroimaging software packages (AFNI, ANTS, BrainVoyager, Freesurfer, FSL, GIFT, or SPM) is highly desirable. The ideal candidate would have prior experience with managing people and projects, the ability to clearly and honestly communicate with a wide range of audiences, and expertise in applied multivariate statistics and/or advanced neuroimaging techniques. Candidates must be able to work well alone and with other members of our team.

The bottom line is that we are looking for a talented young imager who is smart, productive, sensible, passionate, rigorous, fearless in the face of technical and logistical hurdles, hardworking, blessed with a creative vision, and who can actively contribute to a positive lab environment (fun!).

ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS: The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative-Action Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, citizenship status, Vietnam era or special disabled veteran's status, or sexual orientation. The University of Maryland strongly encourages applications from candidates who would enhance campus diversity.

CONTACT: For additional information, email Dr. Shackman. You should also take a look at the relevant sections of the Department of Psychology website (, the Clinical area group website (, and the Neuroscience training program website ( Students may be admitted through either program.

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