Graduate students at Northern Illinois University can now complete their program with a specialty. The NIU Department of Psychology received a $1.1 million federal grant from the US Department of Education to support students with training to identify and prevent bullying.
"Once we found out, I was so excited because this is something that I'm actually very passionate about and wanted to do when I came to this program," said Gina Torcasso, a current graduate student who will be a part of the pilot program in January.
"They're going to try the classroom portion of it with us and then next year its going to be full on and then the first year students are going to start," said Torcasso. “They're going to have the classroom element as well as having that practical element."
NIU students will work with staff at schools across the state to identify bullying. They will examine behaviors like social skills, reports of victimization, attendance, and performance.
NIU Psychology Program Director Christine Malecki said the focus of this program is on children with disabilities, a group she says are often targets of bullying. She said children might avoid going to school or change their behavior as a result.
"There are some students that might have more significant disabilities that may be less aware and they're really going to be relying on the adults in their lives and in their environments as well," said Dr. Malecki.
The department findings will be made available on a new website designed to help parents. Dr. Malecki says NIU will also share its research with other universities.