New Tool Brings Sports Psychology to Amateur Athletes

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“What is most exciting to me personally,” noted Maggi Reiss, President of IDS Publishing and a licensed school psychologist, “is our ability to link academic motivation to sports motivation. Add a quotable

Columbus, Ohio (PRWEB) July 18, 2013

Super Bowl MVP and Heisman Trophy winner Desmond Howard is impressed with the validity and usefulness of the Reiss Motivation Profile®, a standardized psychological assessment available online to bring sports psychology to amateur athletes including student athletes.

Professional athletes who go into a prolonged slump, or who choke under pressure, turn to sports psychologists to help them improve their game. Although amateur athletes -- such as weekend golfers, runners, weightlifters, bowlers, tennis players, high school and college student athletes in all sports –-would benefit from sports psychology, few can afford the fees. Now these amateurs can go online, take the Reiss Motivation Profile® for Sports, and receive a plain language (no psycho-babble) report on what a sports psychologist might tell them to lower those golf scores, or to find that burst of energy needed to finish the marathon run, or how to improve in their sport. Inexpensive telephone coaching also is available.

Desmond Howard completed the online questionnaire and reviewed the results with a sports psychologist. “I am impressed with how accurate the report is in describing who I am as an athlete and a person,” Howard said.

The Reiss Motivation Profile® is a scientific tool widely used with elite athletes in Europe but is only now being made available in North America. As was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, Germany’s Matthias Steiner has credited the tool with helping him win an Olympic Gold Medal in weightlifting in Beijing in 2008.

IDS Publishing Corporation specializes in the development, publication, and marketing of scientific assessments of what motivates someone. IDS’s motivational assessments are used in more than 75 school districts in the United States, and by numerous businesses, both large and small, from North America, Europe, and Asia.

“What is most exciting to me personally,” noted Maggi Reiss, President of IDS Publishing and a licensed school psychologist, “is our ability to link academic motivation to sports motivation. We offer academic counseling at no extra charge to every student athlete who buys our sports motivation assessment.”

“We are proud to have the support of such an accomplished former athlete as Desmond Howard,” she went on, “and we share his interest in helping young people in school and off the field, as well as when they are trying to improve sports performance. “ Reiss emphasized that prospective test takers should go online at for more information or to take the assessment.

Contact: Steven Reiss, Professor of Psychology, 614-214-8431; Maggi Reiss, M.A., School Psychologist, 614-885-0801

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