What goes around... shows up here; a Virginia-based company launches a new social network centered on the concept of Karma.
Williamsburg, Virginia (PRWEB) August 13, 2012
New research published in Psychological Science suggests that even when an outcome is out of our control we often act as though we can still get on the good side of fate by doing good deeds, and thanks to a new social media network, people across the globe will now be able to track their good deeds each day.
“We have launched a revolutionary new social network oriented around the concept of Karma, what goes around, comes around,” said Ross Bays, managing director for Karmafied.com. “On what is being called The Karma Network, users create a profile for free, connect with their friends, and then begin granting good or bad karma to everyone they interact with. Good Karma has a value of +1, Bad Karma has a value of -1. The user's Karma Score is the sum of all Karma they have received."
Bays explained that the main theme behind The Karma Network is that all deeds are accounted for. He stated that some users are even calling their Karma Score their "Human Score."
“Whether a close friend or that server that was so very rude to you at dinner, they can all be granted Karma, even anonymously,” Bays stressed. “Additionally, you can read all of the Karma which has been granted to you, or others, which many users say they enjoy. You can also view your own Karma Score statistics which displays your current ranking in your school, in your city, state and so on.”
The launching of Karmafied.com could prove to have perfect timing.
Lead researcher of the karma study published in Psychological Science, Benjamin Converse, an assistant professor of Public Policy and Psychology at the University of Virginia, and co-authors Jane Risen and Travis Carter, both of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, say the study indicates that investing in karma may be a positive way for us to cope with the otherwise unpleasant experience of just sitting around and waiting on good things to happen in our lives.
Bays predicted that Karmafied.com could change the game in social media because it drives the point home of looking out for one another, and that there are consequences for our daily actions.
“Imagine if the universe had a database which tracked all the times you helped someone,” said Bays. “The time you donated or the time a person went out of their way for you. Imagine a world where you can visit a new city and discover the friendliest places near you with the click of a button. Things are changing. We are changing.”
For more information, please visit http://www.Karmafied.com
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/8/prweb9762381.htm