What is Bdaily?
Bdaily is a regional business news website, covering content in the North East, North West, South East and Yorkshire. We deliver a daily email bulletin directly to your inbox, featuring the latest news and event listings in your area.
On the site we have a main news section, where our journalists publish breaking business news throughout the day. In addition we have a members’ news section, where our members can upload their own stories using the self-publishing platform; this can be news, opinion or advice content.
How do I access the self-publishing platform?
The self-publishing platform is free and can be accessed by anyone who has an account with Bdaily. In order to register, simply click "Join Free" at the top of the homepage and input your details. Once you have confirmed your email address, you will be able to log in. To start publishing articles, click "Publish an article" in the top right hand corner of the homepage.
Can I add links to my article?
The addition of advertorial hyperlinks is chargeable. If you are publishing your article and wish to add a nofollow advertorial hyperlink, this will cost £70 plus VAT. Reference links, such as those to supporting documents or whitepapers, are not subject to this charge.
Advertorial hyperlinks must be purchased via our sales desk on 0845 388 2022 or enquiries@bdaily.co.uk.
Can I publish on behalf of a client or colleague?
Yes, you can create multiple profiles for your clients and colleagues under one account. Head to Dashboard Settings Add New Profile and input their details. When you go to the Publish an Article page, you will receive a drop down list of profiles to choose from.
How do I get the most out of my members’ news story?
The members’ news area is a place where you can share what’s going on within your business with our readers. Strong article subjects include awards, appointments, charity donations etc.
In order to ensure your content is relevant and interesting to our readers, make sure you mention the region in which it is set in the headline. We would also advise that you include quotes from significant people within the business. In addition, uploading a relevant, eye-catching image ensures the content appears in the correct section on the site.
My article has been removed or edited - what is going on?
Bdaily maintains the rights to edit or remove any articles that are uploaded to the site. Our editorial team regularly moderates the members’ news area and often articles that are irrelevant or advertorial will be removed. In some instances, we will edit your article to improve formatting or alter the focus so as to increase its appeal to our readers and make it more relevant.
If you want to discuss any changes that have been made to your article, feel free to contact us at enquiries@bdaily.co.uk
Will my article appear on the bulletin?
In the majority of cases, members' news does not appear on the email bulletin. However, members news content is moderated on a daily basis by our editorial team and every so often, we will upgrade a strong piece to the bulletin.
Alternatively, you may upgrade your article to a 'Featured Article' for £150 plus VAT. This option is available on the self-publishing platform.
How do I become a columnist?
We are always on the look out for knowledgeable and articulate professionals to contribute to our regional Columnists’ sections. If you are interested in writing opinion or advice-style content about your sector or region, please get in touch with our content manager, Ellen Forster, on 0845 388 2022
How do I advertise an event on Bdaily?
You can advertise your event to hundreds of businesses in your region on our Events page. We charge £50 plus VAT per event listing; this price includes the addition of a nofollow hyperlink. Your event listing will appear on the email bulletin for a week of your choice, with extra weeks available for an additional £50 plus VAT.
For £150 plus VAT per month, you can upload unlimited events to the website, to find out more about this option, contact the sales desk on 0845 388 2022 or enquiries@bdaily.co.uk.
How do I advertise my business on Bdaily?
Bdaily has a team of highly skilled professionals on hand to deal with any digital marketing enquiries. We maintain transparency in our digital marketing options, with all prices and product details listed on the advertising page.
We also offer bespoke marketing campaigns for clients in search of a targeted advertising strategy. To find out more, contact our sales desk on 0845 388 2022 or enquiries@bdaily.co.uk.