New psychology class teaches sex education to college students

James Graham

James Graham

Western Professor James Graham teaches Western's first ever Human Sexuality class Wednesday, April 17, in the Academic West building. The course is offered through Western's psychology department and satisfies a social science graduation requirement for the school. // Photo by Kyra Betteridge

Posted: Friday, April 18, 2014 9:10 am

New psychology class teaches sex education to college students

Brian Adolfo Traverso

The Western Front


This spring quarter, for the first time, Western is offering a class on human sexuality. 

The class, taught by professor Jim Graham, is structured as a college level sexual education class, focusing on topics from the reproductive system to romantic relationships, Graham said. 

Offered as a 100-level, five-credit general university requirement, the class is designed for all students, not just those interested in psychology, Graham said. 

Graham noticed a peak in student interest when the topic of human sexuality was discussed in several of his psychology of romantic relationship classes. Discovering the only sexuality-related classes on campus weren’t very broad in their nature, Graham made the decision to create a curriculum which centers on the topic this past summer, he said. 

The goal is to make students more comfortable with the human body and to try to counteract some of the stereotypical notions given in the media about what the ideal human body image should be, Graham said. 

“The reason why putting everyone on the same page is important is because it lets students make informed decisions about their own sexuality," Graham said. 

Anna Geldenhuys, a senior psychology major who is enrolled in the class, said Graham attempts to make the environment very open and comfortable. 

“It’s fun, interesting and helpful,” Geldenhuys said. 

Geldenhuys believes students who take the class can learn useful information about themselves and human sexuality. 

“I would definitely recommend the class,” she said. 

By using an anonymous question and answer system on canvas, Graham attempts to generate interest and keep students engaged, he said. 

Because of the confidential nature of the system, specific questions could not be released, but Graham said the forum allows for anonymous dialogue between students. 

Another student enrolled in the class, Jackie Wong, believes that the Canvas site is a good platform for students to ask questions that they would otherwise not ask in class. 

Graham plans to offer the class this summer quarter and during the following academic school year, he said. 

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Friday, April 18, 2014 9:10 am.

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Human Sexuality,

General University Requirement,




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