Celebrities may be getting verified accounts on Tinder, but don’t expect Neon Trees‘ Tyler Glenn to be signing up any time soon. Just take a listen to album-openers on the recently released Pop Psychology “Love in the 21st Century” and “Text Me in the Morning.”
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“Songs like ‘Love In The 21st Century’ and ‘Text Me In The Morning’ I think speak to sort of my generation and younger that are kind of experiencing romance through their phones and their computers,” Glenn told MTV News. “I don’t know how great it is, really.”
That sentiment comes through clearly in those two jams, which feature lyrics like: “Broken heart technology/Your kisses taste so sweet/But then you click delete.” Yikes. That’s a swipe to the left to the heart.
“[Technology has] also kind of screwed up my love life a little bit because I’m 30 now and I just came out as gay and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate not having to use apps,” Glenn added.
The Mormon singer recently came out in Rolling Stone, an experience that has thus far been positive for Glenn — except, of course, he still has to navigate the tangled dating world.
“Apps kind of become this hookup-based thing, even for my straight friends who use Tinder it’s kind of like window-shopping,” he said. “I don’t know if that’s essentially healthy for a passionate relationship with another human being.”
What do you think of Glenn’s assertion? Is tech useful when it comes to love? Or is it all one big malfunction?
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