MUNCY - Students at Muncy School District will have a new Advanced Placement course to consider taking. Instruction in psychology will begin soon, but school officials did not provide a date when they approved the class during Monday's regular public meeting.
"We now have seven AP courses, which is excellent for a small school," high school Principal Timothy Welliver said.
The new class will be taught by Jared Snyder, who taught it for two years in the Schuylkill Haven Area School District. He was hired by Muncy in August as a secondary social studies teacher.
The board also:
Unanimously approved two new hallway monitors and five new substitute teachers. Michael Weber and Brooke Walters will serve as the hallway monitors, effective today and through the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approved a new policy restricting the giving of gifts among district staff members that cost in excess of $60, unless the gift is for a significant milestone such as a birthday or to celebrate retirement.
Approved a policy, called Homebound Instruction, which provides individual instruction to students confined to home or a hospital for medical reasons.
Approved the November 2013 financial reports.
Appointed 14 new volunteers on the elementary wrestling staff.
The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Muncy High School library, 200 W. Penn St.