Martin Sheen, the star of award-winning movies such as Apocalypse Now, The Departed and TV show the West Wing, is showcasing a US charity, on his education programme, that promotes positive psychology for kids.
Martin Sheen is to feature American non-profit Ivy Child International in a forthcoming programme.
The Massachusetts based non-profit promotes positive psychology techniques for kids including yoga and self-awareness.
Ivy Child International will be featured in the prime-time PBS Public Television ‘In Focus’ educational programme hosted by actor Martin Sheen.
The charity provides cross-cultural positive psychological services for children, families, and communities internationally, that include tackling bullying.
The charity’s curriculum will be featured in the educational documentary with a special focus on its Bullying Prevention and Leadership and other programmes it says that support and create healthy children and teenagers.
The charity, that uses yoga and other techniques to create mindfulness and responsibility, says it is encouraging sponsors to come forward.
Ivy Child explains it is all about recognising and enhancing unique strengths and abilities of children and encouraging supportive frameworks.
Rose Pavlov, founder of Ivy Child International, says promoting “mindfulness, self-regulation, leadership and resilience” in kids is a key to a healthy future.
This year the charity launched its yoga curriculum for kids to teach youngsters skills such as empathy, and the joy of movement.
“Equipping children with coping skills to weather through the seasons of life while laying the foundation for their development is what we at Ivy Child International believe will make a sustaining difference,” said Rose Pavlov, the charity’s founder.