Mark Cartwright of Dallas Responds to "Hopeful" Alzheimer’s Study

Alzheimer's has long been known as a dreadful disease that has no cure. While that remains true, a recent medical study offers real hope in the fight to detect and treat the condition. The new study finds that certain biomarkers can be identified, potentially alerting physicians of an Alzheimer's risk before clinical symptoms begin. The study has won the attention of many members of the medical community, including psychologist Mark Cartwright of Dallas.

The new study notes that, historically, Alzheimer's has been diagnosed only after clinical symptoms have presented. The recent study finds reason to believe that image-based biomarkers can allow for diagnosis before the disease process is even set in motion. In other words, state-of-the-art imaging technology may offer ways for doctors to detect and diagnose Alzheimer's -- and to begin early treatments -- before the patient even exhibits any real symptoms of dementia.

The study has won the attention of Dr. Mark Cartwright of Dallas. A psychologist with years of private practice experience, Dr. Cartwright has conducted much of his work among geriatric communities, offering assessments and treatments for Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. He currently offers private evaluations to patients throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Dr. Cartwright has responded to the new medical research with a statement to the press.

"One of the most difficult and complex pieces of understanding concerning the nature of Alzheimer's disease is differentiating it from other forms of dementia," explains Dr. Cartwright, in his press statement. "As such, this advancement in biomarker research is a very much needed. If we are able to identify this disease early then there is possibility for treatment earlier, before the disease has progressed."

Mark Cartwright goes on to say that this new biomarker research could potentially change the medical community's understanding of Alzheimer's in more ways than one. "In addition, such markers may be able to help pinpoint the areas of the brain most affected by the disease," he remarks. "It is very important to continue research on biomarkers and to continue the development of other strategies aimed at diagnosing and differentiating this very debilitating and life altering disease."

The results of the new study are published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, where it is trumpeted as a potential paradigm shift in the way doctors view dementia.

Dr. Mark Cartwright of Dallas is a leading psychologist whose areas of practice include the evaluation and treatment not only of dementia, but also ADHD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, and disorders on the Autism Spectrum.


A psychologist in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, Mark Cartwright specializes in school psychology. Mark Cartwright of Dallas attended the Ohio State University, where he earned his master's and doctorate degrees, and Ohio University, where he earned his bachelor's degree. Mark Cartwright of Dallas completed his post-doctoral fellowship at the Dallas Medical Center of the University of Texas Southwestern. Mark Cartwright of Dallas currently offers his services as a licensed specialist in the areas of assessment, evaluation, and treatment of ADHD, anxiety disorders, PTSD, autism, and dementia.

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