new year,
new year resolution,

HAVE you ever wondered where the concept of New Year's resolutions came from?
According to, it is believed New Year's resolutions came from the Babylonians around 4000 years ago.
The Babylonians would make promises to the gods, such as paying off debts, in exchange for a positive beginning to the year.
Most commonly, as their New Year coincided with the start of their farming season, it revolved around returning any borrowed farm equipment.
Today we tend to look at New Year's resolutions as a chance to make goals for the coming year.
Gladstone Psychology Services psychologist Paul Grant said for a lot people, it was a time of year to look back on how they had gone with things, and a time to think about the future.
"Most common ones are around losing weight, getting fitter or eating healthier," he said.
"Giving up smoking and cutting down on drinking are pretty common also."
One of the problems with New Year's resolutions, Mr Grant said, was leaving it until December 31 to set them.
"People set ones that they haven't really thought about," he said.
"This increases the chances to not actually achieve them."
One of the tips Mr Grant offers is to think about the specific goals you want to set.
"Think about what strategies you're going to use, how you are going to monitor them and how you are going to keep yourself on track," he said.
Keeping New Year's resolutions is often difficult, and Mr Grant said people should be realistic about what they were going to achieve in the time frame.
"Be prepared for some setbacks that could occur," he said.
So are New Year's resolutions a good thing?
Mr Grant said what determined if it was good or bad was what people made it.
"If we are giving ourselves a hard time about not achieving our New Year's resolution, that can make it a negative experience," he said.
"Choosing something that you're motivated to work towards is a big thing.
"Be aware that we're much more likely to succeed in things if it is really important to us."