How to be happier: Steps toward finding true well-being


A big component on the quest to be happier is a healthy diet.

You need it to fuel your body and get the most out of your brain.

So back away from those terrible energy drinks (even the cans are ugly) and take a close look at your diet because it is true you are what you eat.

To help your brain perform, Maya Willcocks, a professor at UBC’s Health and Wellness Department, says to start with the most basic ingredient: water.

“A healthy brain should be around 90 per cent water,� says Willcocks. “If you have a headache it could be dehydration. It’s simple.�

Also on Willcocks’ must-have list are oils.

“The brain should be a nice fat rich organ — a healthy brain should be full of good fats,� says Willcocks. “Increasing fish oil, nuts and seeds is a really good idea.�

So out with the saturated fats and trans fats and in with good fats such as hemp oil, omega-3 (which break down to EPA and DHA, which help with brain development) and flax seed oil.

Willcocks says it doesn’t take long for her to see a difference in people once they clean up their diet.

“They have more energy, they are more vibrant, happier, more motivated and confident,� she says.

To help you start to make actual happy meals that will help maximize your mental health, Willcocks offers up this “brain-friendly diet in a nutshell:�


Drink at least 12 glasses of pure, clean water a day. This will help to flush away toxins, aid digestion and balance blood sugar levels. It will also prevent dehydration and generate electrical and magnetic energy in every cell, providing a natural energy boost for the brain.

Whole foods

Eat wholegrains, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables — and avoid refined, white and overcooked foods. Eat three or more servings per day of low-glycemic index wholegrains, such as brown short-grain rice, millet, rye, oats, whole wheat, buckwheat and quinoa.

Five fruit and veg daily

Eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Choose dark green, leafy and root vegetables such as watercress, carrots, sweet potatoes, beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, green beans or peppers, raw or lightly cooked. Choose fresh fruit such as apples, pears, berries, melon or citrus fruit. Have bananas in moderation. Dilute fruit juices and only eat dried fruits infrequently in small quantities, preferably soaked. Supplement with a multivitamin and mineral supplement to make sure you have enough brain nutrients.

Avoid sugar...

... and foods with added sugar.

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