Helping people communicate thru art

communicate thru art

Courtesy: Apsara Katuwal

KATHMANDU: The MA Ist Year (Psychology) students of Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Ghantaghar participated in the ‘Integrated Art Therapy’ held on January 9. The therapy was about expressing oneself, with a realisation of the fact that everyone is unique, artistic and creative in nature.

Organised for the students of Psychology, by National Institute of Psycho-Educational Counselling, the programme was conducted by well known psychologist Dr Ganga Pathak on the college premises. A total of 10 students participated in the programme.

The participants learnt that integrated art therapy can be a solution to help introvert people communicate. Art helps people bring out their suppressed emotions.

The students also learnt that integrated art therapy can be used for the treatment of mental health problems — in youth, children with learning disabilities, schizophrenic children, and for relieving people from stress among others.

— Apsara Katuwal, MA Ist Year (Psychology),
Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Ghantaghar 

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A version of this article appears in print on February 03, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

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