Happy in retirement seminar


8 Aug 12 @ 10:00 am


The Landings retirement village in Turramurra


440 Bobbin Head Road, North Turramurra, NSW, 2074


Tracey or Jill

1800 72 72 70



Get an insight into what makes us happy The force for positive change is within us all.

Join positive psychology expert Dr Suzy Green for a free seminar and discover the science behind positive ageing, the benefits of social connectedness and why living in a village can enhance your health wellbeing.

FREE - includes morning tea and lunch and a tour of the award-winning Landings retirement village.

Dr Suzy Green is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist (MAPS) based in Sydney.

An Australian pioneer and leader in the complementary fields of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology, Suzy lectures at the University of Sydney and is Founder of the Positivity Institute – an organization dedicated to creating flourishing lives and increasing well-being in the world.

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