Crystal Crawford’s 10th and 12th graders are working on their psychology research projects.
“They’re going to be conducting some studies and they’ve all come up with something that interests them in the field of psychology,” she says. “They’ve gone through the scientific method, figuring out what is there research question, what is their hypothesis, and how can they carry out the study and obtain data, and do their data analysis.”
Mrs. Crawford doesn’t just clock in and clock out. She knows these students need her after class is dismissed.
“Teaching high school to me is a 24 hour job. When I leave here, my students have access to me. Whether it’s through Kick or Facebook or Instagram, Periscope–and most of the time, I’m always taking pictures of what we’re doing in class and uploading them throughout the day. I want people to know that we’re really a product-based classroom. We’re interacting, we’re innovative.”
Mrs. Crawford has a strong family behind her. Ready to help whenever they’re needed.
“If I have to stay late, I might have to call my mom to pick up my one year old. They’re willing to make those sacrifices for me because they know how much I truly love my students.”
And they love you Crystal Crawford. They’re grateful for all you give.
“It’s what drives me to get up the next day,” she says. “It’s what makes me want to go that extra step, even when I’m tired or when the baby’s sick or he’s crying. I want to make sure they’re good as well. They really fuel my fire every day and I thank them for that. Without them I do not know what else I would do. This truly is my life.”