Ambedkar University Delhi’s first round of admissions, which ended on Saturday, saw many taking admission after failing to clear the cut-off in Delhi University. However, there were some students who said AUD was their first choice. The second cut-off list will be released on Monday.
“I am a student of the Cambridge International Board. There, we get marked only on grade points, not percentage. My best of four should be 95 per cent but when I went to DU they said I will face several penalties. Firstly, because it’s an international board and also because I want to take History (Hons) which I didn’t study in Class XII. So, I chose AUD as my second preference,” Sabyasachi Saikia from Bangalore said.
Another student from Noida said, “I really wanted to take admission in DU’s North Campus, but I haven’t been able to clear the cut-off even in the fourth list. My best of four percentage is 90.75 and the cut-off in AUD is 87, so I easily made it. I didn’t want to wait for the fifth list because DU has too many complicated procedures. AUD is more sorted.”
However, some students said AUD was their first choice. “I applied here because AUD has the best faculty for Psychology. Although I haven’t made it to the course in the first list even with 94 per cent, I will wait for the second cut-off which I should clear,” Shubhangi Shukla from Lucknow said. The cut-off for Psychology for non-NCT students is 95 per cent.
A total of 62 students have taken admission so far for its 245 seats, with maximum admissions seen in Psychology (14) and Social Sciences Humanities (13).
Dean of Students Services Kuriakose Mamkoottam said the admissions would increase with subsequent cut-offs. “The first list is always dicey and unreal. Most seats should fill up by the third list,” he said.
AUD reserves 85 per cent seats for NCT candidates as it is a state university. It has received 15,561 applications this year for its undergraduate programmes, 65 per cent more than last year.