Five Things for Today in Westford: Aug. 14

#1. At UMass Lowell... James P. Worthley of Westford was recently honored  during 2012 Commencement exercises.

Worthley, who earned a master of arts degree in community social psychology, was among 2,900 graduates who received diplomas on May 26 at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell. Worthley was the recipient of the Department of Psychology’s Graduate Research Award.

#2. School Starts... two weeks from today in Westford.

#3. At the Day School... Tucker Champeau was named as the recipient of the 2012 Nicholas P. Colgan Memorial Award.

The 16 finalists were: fifth-graders John Berrigan,  Champeau, Isabella Farago, Manny Ferro, Caroline Gabriel, Elsa Heil, Cindy McLaughlin, Shreya Nakhawa and Charles Zhang; and fourth-graders Lindsey Johnson, Matt Keefer, Zach Lawrence, Caroline Li, Justin Ly-Em, Christina Mehlhorn and Eleanor Whitehead.

Colgan was a student at the Day School until his death in an accident in July 1996, and to perpetuate Nick's spirit within the school community, a student or students are recognized at each Memorial Day program.

Staff members were invited to nominate students in the categories of citizenship, creative writing or physical education.

#4. Traffic Update: West Street will be closed from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. due to construction, although residents will still be able to access the road.

#5. Picture of the Day: Today's picture was from Laura Lamarre Anderson's lawn from about a month ago, and it's a good point -- Patch needs your help! Please upload your pictures to our Pics and Clips Gallery! (

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