Roscoe Independent School District has applied to participate in the Texas Education Agency's Texas High Performance Schools Consortium.
TEA will choose up to 20 school systems and open-enrollment charter schools in the state out of the 33 that applied by the June 29 deadline, TEA spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe said.
"Digital learning, learning standards, multiple assessments and local control" will be addressed in the consortium. The education commissioner will consider district type, size and student demographics.
"Our colleagues at Educate Texas first asked us to consider applying to the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium based on our work building the model rural Early College High School and co-chairing the Small and Rural Schools Consortium," Roscoe ISD Superintendent Kim Alexander said. "Additionally, Roscoe ISD has been addressing the four principles of the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium for some time and we believe it is critical to take an active role in developing the next accountability system."
The 82nd Texas Legislature "created the consortium to inform the governor, Legislature and commissioner of education concerning methods for transforming Texas public schools through the development of innovative, next-generation learning standards, assessment and accountability systems."
Mike Leese is returning to his alma mater, Tarleton State University, after accepting a position as the university's executive director of student life development. Leese, who started Monday, previously worked at Tarleton from 1969 to 1989.
Leese left Southwestern University in Georgetown after joining Southwestern's student life staff in 1993. He had served as its dean of students since 2003.
"In the past 20 years, Dr. Leese has been the heart and spirit of student life at Southwestern," said Jerry Brody, Southwestern's vice president for student life. "To many students and alumni, Dr. Leese is Southwestern. He has nurtured them, mentored them and not just changed lives, but actually saved lives."
Representatives from Abilene Christian University, Cisco College, Hardin-Simmons University, McMurry University, Sul Ross State University, Texas Tech University and The University of Texas at Austin will be available to students and parents from 12:45 to 4 p.m. July 16 in the upstairs auditorium of the Abilene Public Library, 202 Cedar St.
Camp College will provide college-bound high school students with specific information about the admissions processes at Texas colleges. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a mini-college fair and four college preparation sessions, including "How to Choose the Right College for You, Exploring College Majors, Financial Aid 101 and How to Apply to College."
Parents are welcome to attend with students. For additional details or to RSVP, contact the UT Austin-West Texas Admissions Center at 806-798-2386.
Abilene Christian University associate psychology professor Jennifer Shewmaker was been selected as one of 30 top female psychologists to participate in the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology by the American Psychological Association.
"The Institute is a wonderful yearlong opportunity that allows me to be mentored in leadership skills by some of the most prominent female psychologists in the country," Shewmaker said.
The institute provides mid-career and senior level female psychologists with leadership training, mentorship opportunities and networking contacts. The program includes two interactive case-based workshops scheduled for August and in March 2013 and bimonthly webinars on leadership topics.
Following suggestions from readers, the Reporter-News published the names of all 563 students in the Abilene Independent School District who were Million Word Readers during the 2011-12 school year. We also published the complete list of all of the district's employee service award winners, as well as the employees who retired last spring.
Both lists were published in Wednesday's Abilenian and also can be found on our website by typing in "Million Word Readers" and "AISD service awards" into the search engine.
If you have other education story ideas or items you'd like considered for this Saturday column, please send them my way. You can reach me at 325-676-6776 and at