Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos, 41, has appeared on TV shows such as On The Couch and has written about the sexualisation of children.
I’m an only child, so my cousin was like a sister to me. She developed vitiligo [a condition that causes pale patches to develop on the skin due to a lack of melanin] when she was 14. It had a huge impact on how she saw herself. She wore her hair differently and became less outgoing. It really stayed with me and when I came to study psychology, I looked at how our appearance affects us and also the other way around – how we feel can have an impact on our health. There’s an amazing relationship between the body and psyche.
I’ve done work with anorexia and I see young people with body image disorders. It’s an extremely complicated issue but one way for parents to help the self-esteem of their children is to watch what you say around them. If you’re constantly talking about diets or won’t leave the house without having done full hair and make-up, or keep saying things like: ‘I’m so unattractive,’ children really pick up on that. People always give girls compliments about being pretty but with my daughter I also point out she’s really good at maths and judo – that’s more important. Encouraging children to find self-esteem that isn’t reliant on their appearance is essential.
I wrote a report in 2010 for the Home Office about the sexualisation of children. I’m hopeful that it will change things – but it won’t happen quickly. The hyper-masculinisation of boys is just as detrimental as the sexualisation of girls – the two go hand-in-hand. We need good sex education. Right now, we have a bunch of pornographers teaching our children how to have sex.
We need to teach children about relationships, integrity of self and owning their sexuality – doing things they want to do, not just ticking boxes from porn films. We need to teach them about media literacy and about the source – when we learn about history, it’s all about the source and it’s the same online. We need to teach them that things are normalised online that aren’t in the realms of normal behaviour in the general population.
There are great products available to help parents keep their children safe online. Don’t be one of those parents who says: ‘I don’t understand the internet.’ Learn how to close the door and then discuss when to open it rather than the other way around.
Parents need to be aware of what their children are watching and listening to, and be able to talk to them about it. My daughter is ten and if we watch something on television that features women standing around as decoration rather than doing anything, I’ll point that out. I try to give her positive role models – that’s hugely important. There’s such a dearth of healthy role models for girls and that really needs to change.
When planes crash, it’s a big story but we don’t think about all the planes that don’t crash – and it’s the same with the fear around paedophilia. Does it exist? Absolutely and we need to look at how we keep children safe and how the online world is affecting sexual behaviour. But does this mean you should never let your children play out in the garden? No. The biggest danger at the age of 11 is around road safety rather than paedophilia.
I’m a mother and understand that anxiety but it needs to be balanced with giving children a sense of volition over their own safety. That doesn’t mean letting them wander around wherever they want at the age of five but start by leaving them alone in the garden for a short time, then leaving them out there a bit longer and when they’re older, let them visit a friend’s house. We need to mitigate against this idea that paedophiles are everywhere. We’re just much more sensitised to them because the stories are so horrific.
Linda is an ambassador for the MakeTime2Play campaign where parents can find play ideas and download a free app.