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While Doctor Keith Ablow is, by and large, a qualified psychiatrist, it always pays to remember that this man is qualified in terms of forensic psychiatry and not in terms of many other forms. Thus, asking Dr. Ablow to comment on situations that are outside of the forensic field is kind of akin to asking a nuclear physicist to comment on astrophysics. While he may have some mild insight into the field, the reality is that he is not qualified to be taken seriously on the subject as anything more than a layman.
Ablow recently wrote that Newt Gingrich’s infidelity could be a plus for him as President. He noted that:
1) Three women have met Mr. Gingrich and been so moved by his emotional energy and intellect that they decided they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with him.
2) Two of these women felt this way even though Mr. Gingrich was already married.
3 ) One of them felt this way even though Mr. Gingrich was already married for the second time, was not exactly her equal in the looks department and had a wife (Marianne) who wanted to make his life without her as painful as possible.
Conclusion: When three women want to sign on for life with a man who is now running for president, I worry more about whether we’ll be clamoring for a third Gingrich term, not whether we’ll want to let him go after one.
The analysis is based on tropes and cliches and does not actually deal with things like pack mentality, alpha male psychology, or any other form of social interactions. As was noted back during the Clinton Administration, an Alpha Male like Bill Clinton will divide people based upon his personal magnetism. People will either love him, or they will hate him. This is not a good position for a President to be in given that most Presidents need to have some form of middle ground to work with or from.
Clinton had a great deal of sexual attraction and magnetism. Women adored him, and many of his lovers had no problems with being the second woman in his life or being the one-night-stand type woman with him.
However, Ablow does not take into account the fact that, unlike President Clinton, Speaker Gingrich was and is well known for his tendency to push “traditional family values”, and while Clinton’s infidelity made his supporters uncomfortable, many overlooked it because he was not being a hypocrite. Conversely, the Republican Party’s Catholic Social Conservative wing is uncomfortable with this ‘do as I say, not as I do’ mentality, and many Christians will see Gingrich get hammered for his past infidelities in front of the People.
Dr. Ablow is known mostly for his attacks on transsexuals, lesbians and gays, and that he is, by and large, well behind the times when it comes to his understanding of basic human psychological structures.