IBNA: Speaking with IBNA, Dr Saeid Abdolmaleki, the dictionary’s compiler, said he tried to bring the terms used the most in psychological contexts which would be of the best interest for students and researchers of the field.
He stated that the book was supposed to be released last year; however, it was postponed to a later time due to certain unforeseen glitches.
The work has recently been published in the Iranian market, added Abdolmaleki.
He went on to say that most of the similar dictionaries on psychology in the market are outdated and their entries need to be updated.
The book’s best feature is its size (408 pages) and price making it the best choice among other recently released dictionaries on psychology, he argued.
As many as 12,000 psychological entries are enlisted in the volume in two sections of Persian to English and vice versa. The terms are taken from the most updated Persian and English references available on psychology.