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THIS Christmas it may not be the thought that counts after all, at least not for those doing the unwrapping.
A recent study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General found thinking carefully about a present increased the giver's sense of social connection, which in turn made them happier. But recipients only considered the giver's thoughtfulness when the gift was either a dud or clearly the product of much labour.
Researchers from the universities of Singapore and Chicago found that because humans lack direct access to others' thoughts it takes the shock of receiving a gauche sweater before we consider them at all. ''If you want to give a gift that someone will appreciate, then you should focus on getting a good gift and ignore whether it is a thoughtful gift or not,'' the authors wrote.
''But if you want to feel closer to the person you are giving gifts to, then put as much thought into your gift as you possibly can and do not be offended when your thoughtfulness is overlooked.''
The best bets to seeing your hard work recognised, the authors said, were gifts focused on experiences rather than material possessions, and highly personalised gifts where the effort involved was obvious.
It is a philosophy reflected in the approach of one Melbourne family who this year have agreed to give only pre-loved or handmade presents.
A garden in a jar and a book of favourite vegetarian recipes are among the projects now in production, while one family member is reading a novel onto CD for her sister who struggles to sleep without an audiobook playing in the background.
''The consumerist option has become really boring, you think of it as a total no-no,'' the 32-year-old artist said. ''It actually puts a lot of pressure on to think about who people really are and what they would really like.''
A recent Oxfam survey found almost 90 per cent of Australians either give away or sell unwanted presents, while a poll of Australian women found more than two-thirds would prefer their presents go to impoverished children instead.
Leigh Stewart from Oxfam Australia said ''goodwill giving'' - where a giver donates to charity on behalf of the recipient - steered people's thoughts back to those less fortunate.