The BPS Consciousness Experiential Psychology Section (CEP) annual conference opens today and will run till Saturday 6 September at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.
Consciousness is associated most readily with the mind, the psyche, and the psychological sciences, yet many contemporary approaches to understanding experience acknowledge that consciousness is necessarily embodied. The conference will focus on the three methodological approaches to consciousness that accept this premise.
The invited speakers will provide theoretical and experiential perspectives on the nature of somatic consciousness from the point of view of:
Mindfulness and Therapy: John Peacocke (Oxford University Mindfulness Centre) Eva Kreikenbaum (University of Basel)
Alexander Technique: Alex Farkas (Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique Bard College Conservatory of Music) Michal Segal (Alexander Technique, Glasgow)
Focusing: Donata Schoeller (Universities of Chicago Zürich) Robert Lee (Interamerican Focusing Institute).
Further information can be found on the conference website.
Read a review of the 2013 CEP conference by Dr Susan A. J. Stuart, CEP Chair, here.
For more information please visit the CEP webpages on the Society website or join CEP on Facebook.
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