In 2012 The British Psychological Society launched a longitudinal study to determine the career destinations of psychology graduates. We aim to follow the 2011 cohort of psychology graduates over seven years, evaluating their career progression at four key points – one, three, five and seven years after graduating.
Phase two of the study is currently underway. Graduates from the 2011 cohort involved in the study have been contacted this summer. We are collecting their responses three years after their graduation.
The Society is evaluating the current careers of earlier graduates as a comparator. It is hoped this work will enable us to pinpoint key landmarks in the early years of employment for this cohort. Showing details of completion of postgraduate training, entrance into postgraduate training, completion of supervised work experience, and progression/transition into a stabilised period of employment in their chosen profession.
Phase one of data collection was completed in 2012. The next phase takes place in summer 2016. The full report from this longitudinal study is expected to be published early in 2019.
For more information on the survey email the Policy Team Manager.
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