Candidate Bio: William Soules – Las Cruces Sun

Click photo to enlargeSenate District 37

Name: William Soules

Political party: Democrat

Age: 56

Education: BA and MA in Psychology from NMSU. Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Psychology and Education.

Immediate family: Daughter Erika, age 21

Past political or public service positions: Elected twice to the Las Cruces School Board from 1993 to 2001. Elected to leadership role in New Mexico School Boards Association, president elect, president, past president (1999-2001). Served on the Doña Ana Community College Advisory Board.

Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position? I have the education, knowledge, and commitment to serve the citizens of District 37. I have dedicated my life in serving children and families as a school teacher and administrator. I see the struggles that parents face every day in meeting the daily needs of their families. I understand the challenges faced by small business owners and how the economy has made it very difficult for them to grow and prosper. I have the personality, patience and ability to work with other legislators who want to work on solutions to the problems facing New Mexico, without regard to party lines.

Top 3 priorities if elected: 1. Jobs/Education. Public education is our best guarantee toward a prosperous future. Everyone deserves a quality education and providing a quality education in lean economic times requires a detailed knowledge of the

educational system and the ability to work toward positive change. Upcoming challenges will be to develop a rational teacher evaluation process and the funds necessary to implement early childhood interventions to increase reading ability. I support prevention instead of legislation. We must develop the educational training programs to meet the needs of private industry and future job growth industries.

2. Environment: I believe we can protect and conserve our environment through responsible regulations that don't hinder job creation but protect our air, water, and lands. They are not mutually exclusive. We also have an opportunity to expand and grow the renewable energies of wind and solar. This clean energy can work side by side with the oil and gas industry to provide adequate resources and good jobs.

3. Child Protection and Welfare: We have a crisis in New Mexico caused by poverty and lack of adequate health care for thousands of children. It affects our education system, family structure, and leads to having more children in foster care. We need to implement more early childhood interventions such as parent training, increased access to prenatal health care, and for children living in poverty. Early interventions improve a child's ability to learn and to grow into successful adults.

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