Intramural Spotlight:
Jackie Zaremba
Jackie is a sophomore psychology major who spends quite some time with Campus Recreation. She has played more games than any other female in intramurals so far this year and is also a referee.
Q: What prompted you to get started in intramurals?
A: A life without sports would be foreign to me, and quite frankly, boring. I gre w up playing sports ever since I can remember but I knew that I didn't want to play intercollegiate. Therefore, the intramural program was definitely high on my priority list.
Q: I know that you also referee games; how does that affect your playing?
A: I definitely have more respect for referees now, not just because they are my co-workers but because I know how difficult it is to a ref. I always thought that if you played the sport and understood the rules that it would just come naturally, but it is much harder that that. I always try to ref as fairly as possible because I know what it feels like to be playing a game that is not officiated fairly.
Q: What is the hardest part about refereeing for you?
A: The hardest part about refereeing for me is knowing when to make the right calls. There will always be those kids who get frustrated with you but you have to keep your cool and do the best you can. It's always nice when kids come up to you after the game and thank you. I get pleasure out of that.
Q: What is your favorite intramural to play so far?
A: It would probably have to be a three-way tie between softball, soccer and volleyball. I miss playing at the varsity level in soccer and softball so it's always fun to use my skills again.
Q: What is your favorite sport to ref and why?
A: Refereeing softball is definitely my favorite because I get to drive the golf cart out to the field and keep score in it. That's always a good time.
Q: Are referee stripes slimming?
A: Not for me they aren't. They're either too big or too small.
Q: How do you think we can increase the number of female participants in intramurals?
A: I think girls have this notion that they can't play intramurals because they are too competetive or they are not good enough to play. Intramurals are for everyone. It's all about having fun, learning something new and making new friends out of the experience. There are so many intramurals that we offer that these girls can find at least one sport that fits them or that they want to try out. My roommate never played in intramurals last year but after she saw how much fun my other roommate and I were having playing softball, she became a lot more open in participating in them.