Intimate Partners With Low Self-Esteem Stay In Unhappy Relationships, New …


NY Times: A Muckraking Blogger Focuses On Jews

Forward 50

Heeb Magazine 100

The Wall Street Journal: "Failed Messiah follows the controversy closely with links to related press articles and judicial records."

The New York Times, Page 1: "Shmarya Rosenberg…traced the fraudulent comments on his site to a 5W address."

The New York Times: "The legal conflict has revealed a deep tension within the Orthodox community that has been reported in the Jewish weekly press, and has been the almost exclusive topic of discussion on some Orthodox Jewish Web sites like and in the months since Mr. Hikind brought up sexual abuse."

The New York Times: "In Postville, residents were dismayed by a report posted on a Jewish Web site,, saying that Sholom Rubashkin held a celebration in Postville last week after he was released from detention on $1 million bail."

THE COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW: "[Jeff] Abbas passed the video to Shmarya Rosenberg, a blogger in St. Paul, Minnesota, who has provided some of the best coverage of the raid and its aftermath; a few days later, the video was referenced in The New York Times."

The Forward: "The indictments were first reported on the blog FailedMessiah."

The Forward: Blogger Focuses on Orthodox Foibles

Ha'aretz: Jewish Bloggers To Gather In Jerusalem

The Village Voice: The Fall Of The House Of Rubashkin

Tablet Magazine: Blogger charges Jerusalem Online University tricking secular students into Orthodoxy

"PR Week: Shmarya Rosenberg of did some sharp investigating…"

GAWKER: 5WPR Flacks Get So Freaking Busted Impersonating People Online

GAWKER: 5WPR Busted For Even More Blog Fraud; Uses Apology As Slimy Sales Pitch Opportunity

Jerusalem Post: Agriprocessors' PR company faces allegations of identity theft

The Forward: Flacks for Kosher Slaughterhouse Accused of Impersonating Company'€™s Critics Online

The Forward: Flacks for Kosher Company Admit Impersonation

JTA: PR firm accused of impersonating rabbi

GAWKER: 5WPR Scares Holy Man With Sock Puppet, Blames Intern

JTA Traces Fake Rabbi Morris Allen Comment To Agriprocessors Spokesman's Home

JTA: Agriprocessors' PR firm accused of impersonating rabbi

Ha'aretz: Jewish blogger tackles perceived shortcomings of Orthodox Judaism

PR Week: 5W faces accusation for blog misconduct

GAWKER: Scheme To Blame Intern For PR Fraud Unravels

The Forward: Meat Company’s P.R. Firm Acknowledges Responsibility of ‘Senior Staff Member’ in Online Deception

GAWKER: Sad Flacks Secretly Edit Their Boss's Own Wikipedia Page

NY Jewish Week: A P.R. Nightmare

The Forward: Postville’s City Council initially voted to support the idea of a community benefits agreement, but later voted to withdraw support for such an agreement — a development first reported on the blog Failed Messiah.

The Forward: The blog Failed Messiah reported that Hirsch wrote an e-mail to the alliance assailing its Jewish member groups.

Mpls StarTribune: PR firm's meat plant messages misleading

Iowa Independent:
Misconduct by Agriprocessors' PR Firm Has Rabbi Considering Legal Options

The Forward: Public Relations Firm Criticized

PR Week: 5W, Orthodox Jewish group at odds over statement

The Daily Kos: "This project could not have been completed without the help of others. While I cannot name them all, I would be negligent if I did not mention Shmarya Rosenberg of…"

The Cedar Rapids Gazette: "…[H]e did not broadcast the interview on his radio station but [instead] sent it to and played it for local law enforcement agencies."

The London Jewish Chronicle: "Shmarya Rosenberg muses on religious racism"

The Forward: "The indefatigable foe of ultra-Orthodox excess"

Samuel Freedman in the Jerusalem Post: "[T]the scandal of Agriprocessors has been chronicled from Stephen Bloom's book Postville to Nathaniel Popper's investigative reports in the Forward to Julia Preston's coverage in The New York Times to the muckraking blogger"

ASBURY PARK PRESS: Dwek Faces Shunning, If Not Death

Religion In The News: "So authoritative has Rosenberg become that he is now regularly quoted by the Register; and his site has been referenced by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and both the Forward and the JTA."

New Vilna Review: Is There An Orthodox War Against Modern Orthodoxy?

Conservative Columnist David Klinghoffer: "[T]he consistently sour but readable blog"

Talkline Radio Network Interview: Rabbinic responses to Ethiopian Jewry.

Tablet Magazine: “If you’re Jewish and you were married five years ago, you have not confronted the problem that exists today,” Rosenberg says. “The problem is much worse for anyone who isn’t Orthodox. As the Haredi strength grows and their control grows, that’ll become clearer.”

Religion Dispatches: "The best collection of articles I’ve found can be perused at, the blog of Shmarya Rosenberg, who, with the perspective of insider turned disillusioned outsider, has been probing the nuances and hypocrisies of the ultra-Orthodox establishment since 2004."

Jewcy: Conversion Exposé.

Jewcy: Conversion Exposé #2

Jewcy: Most Wanted: The Big, Bad Butchers and Bullies of Agriprocessors